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The Solution Architects

Shaping Emotions with Personalized Solutions
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The Solution Architects

Speak your heart, we're here to listen and heal
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Guiding You To A Better Tomorrow

Welcome to Dr Haseena’s Care  – An exclusive solution space where you’re encouraged to be truly yourself, free from judgments and preconceptions.  Here, your emotions are carefully shaped with personalized solutions, fostering the happiness you truly deserve.

Conduct Research

Exploring innovative approaches to address mental health challenges.

Diagnose & Treat

Providing comprehensive assessments and tailored treatment plans.

Develop & Implement

Creating personalized strategies to foster mental and emotional well-being.

Therapy & Counselling

Offering empathetic guidance and therapies for holistic healing.


Building Resilience For Life's Challenges

Welcome to Dr Haseena’s Care – A comprehensive solution space exclusively for those struggling to navigate psychological challenges. At Dr Haseena’s Care, we provide a nurturing environment where we collaborate on personalized solutions for living the life to fullest. We are located in the vibrant city of Thiruvananthapuram, nestled within the picturesque state of Kerala in South India. At the core of our initiative lies an unwavering dedication to holistic well-being, led by the visionary Dr Haseena and her professionally trained solution architects.


Changing Lives, One Session At A Time

Addiction Issues

Providing support for individuals struggling with addictive behaviors.

Anger Management

Offering strategies to effectively manage and express anger in healthy ways.


Providing tools to manage and alleviate anxious thoughts and feelings.

Career Management

Assisting in making informed decisions to achieving professional goals.


Offering guidance and support for overcoming sadness and hopelessness.

Eating Disorders

Offering assistance to those struggling with irregular eating behaviours.

Fear & Phobias

Offering strategies to overcome fears and phobias and regain control.

Motivation & Goals

Empowering individuals to set and achieve meaningful goals in their lives.

Negative Thoughts

Helping individuals challenge and transform negative thought patterns.


Addressing and offering strategies for healthy management.


Offering advice and guidance to navigate the challenges of parenthood.

Past Traumas

Helping individuals process and heal from past traumatic experiences.

Personal Growth

Supporting individuals on their journey of self-discovery & personal development.

Pregnancy Counselling

Providing guidance & support for navigating pregnancy & its challenges.

Relationship Issues

Assisting individuals in navigating challenges within their relationships.

Self-Esteem Issues

Providing tools to build self-confidence and improve self-esteem.

Sexual Wellness

Addressing concerns related to sexual health and intimacy.

Sleep Issues

Assisting individuals in improving their sleep patterns and quality.

Spiritual Growth

Offering insights & guidance for individuals seeking spiritual development.

Stress Management

Equipping individuals with techniques to manage and reduce stress levels.

Troubling Emotions

Supporting individuals in understanding & coping with overwhelming emotions.

Ask, Learn, Heal

Dr. Haseena's Care on Quora

Your Source for Expert Mental Health Insights


Leading You To A Happier, Healthier You

Dr Haseenas Care is rapidly emerging as a leading online counselling and therapy startup platform, recognized by the Government of India. We are proud to be India’s foremost counselling and therapy platform, boasting a team of dynamic, experienced, and emotionally intelligent psychologists and counsellors.

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How Do You Obtain Our Assistance?


Make an Appointment

Begin your journey towards improved mental health and well-being by scheduling a session with us.


Schedule a Meeting

Take the first step in addressing your concerns by arranging a confidential meeting with us.


Make a Payment

Conveniently make secure payments for your counselling sessions to ensure seamless access to care.


Enjoy the Consultation

Experience a supportive and empathetic environment during your consultation with us.

Guiding you with care at every step through pregnancy and motherhood

At Dr Haseenas Care, we recognize the unique challenges and emotional experiences that pregnant women undergo. Our specialized services are designed to provide comprehensive support, promoting not only physical health but also emotional well-being during this transformative journey. Our team of dedicated professionals is here to assist and guide pregnant women through various aspects of their pregnancy, ensuring a positive and empowered experience.

Explore Heartfelt Testimonials

Dr Haseena's compassionate guidance helped me overcome the depths of depression. Her approach not only addressed my symptoms but also delved into the underlying causes, leading me towards genuine healing

Rajesh Kumar

Anxiety had taken over my life, but thanks to Dr Haseena's caring support, I've learned effective strategies to manage my anxiety and regain control of my thoughts and emotions."


Navigating complex relationship dynamics felt daunting until I found Dr Haseena. Her insights and practical advice have been invaluable in rebuilding trust and fostering healthier connections

Rekha Sharma

Dr Haseena's holistic approach to stress management has transformed my life. Her techniques have helped me find balance amidst life's challenges, enabling me to lead a more fulfilling and peaceful life


I was trapped in a cycle of negative thinking until I started working with Dr Haseena. Her encouragement and strategies have empowered me to challenge and reframe my negative thoughts, leading to a more positive outlook

Sooraj Verma

Dr Haseena's expertise in treating obsessions has been a game-changer for me. Through her guidance, I've gained tools to break free from the grip of obsessive thoughts and regain control over my life

Sneha Desai

Confronting troubling emotions seemed impossible until I met Dr. Haseena. Her compassionate approach helped me navigate my emotions with greater self-awareness, leading to a healthier emotional balance


Dr Haseena's unwavering support helped me conquer my deepest fears and phobias. Her personalized strategies equipped me with the confidence to face and overcome what once felt insurmountable

Priya Sharma

Dr Haseena's guidance in career management has been instrumental in helping me make informed decisions and pursue a fulfilling professional path. Her insights go beyond just job advice, impacting my overall well-being

Abhishek Padmanabhan

With Dr Haseena's compassionate guidance, I've found my way to recovery from eating disorders. Her nonjudgmental approach and effective strategies have been pivotal in re-establishing a healthy relationship with food and myself

Nisha Nair

Dr Haseena's therapeutic approach helped me heal from past traumas that were holding me back. Her gentle guidance and tailored techniques allowed me to process and release the pain, leading to emotional freedom

Vishal Vijayan

Dr Haseena's motivational insights have transformed my ability to set and achieve goals. Her strategies have propelled me forward, enabling me to stay focused, motivated, and consistently reach milestones


Navigating the challenges of parenting felt overwhelming until I found Dr Haseena. Her wise advice and practical solutions have helped me become a more confident and effective parent, fostering a healthier family dynamic


Under Dr Haseena's guidance, I've embarked on a transformative journey of personal growth. Her wisdom and support have empowered me to embrace change, cultivate resilience, and evolve as a person


Dr Haseena's empathetic guidance has helped me overcome self-esteem issues that were holding me back. Her strategies have enabled me to build a more positive self-image and cultivate self-acceptance


With Dr Haseena's sensitive approach, I've been able to address and improve my sexual wellness. Her guidance has opened up healthy conversations and strategies to enhance intimacy and overall well-being


Dr Haseena's holistic approach to therapy has not only impacted my mental well-being but also facilitated my spiritual growth. Her insights and practices have helped me find deeper meaning and connection in my journey

Maya Menon

"Overcoming addiction seemed impossible until I started working with Dr. Haseena. Her empathetic support and evidence-based strategies have empowered me to break free from destructive patterns and embrace a healthier life


Dr Haseena's guidance has been instrumental in resolving my sleep issues. Her techniques have helped me establish healthy sleep patterns, leading to improved rest and overall well-being


With Dr Haseena's guidance, I've learned effective ways to manage my anger. Her strategies have empowered me to channel my emotions constructively, leading to healthier relationships and inner peace


Dr Haseena's compassionate support during my pregnancy journey has been invaluable. Her guidance has helped me navigate the emotional and psychological aspects, preparing me for motherhood with confidence



Dr Haseenas Care Internship Programme

Dr. Haseenas Care is dedicated to nurturing the future generation of mental health service providers through our Internship Program. Our internships are open all year round, offering a valuable experience that spans 6 months and provides students with the chance to engage in real-time job roles. Interns receive weekly supervision to ensure their growth and learning.

Mastering Stress and Anxiety: Dr. Haseena’s Guide to Business Bliss

Welcome to Dr Haseena’s Care, your haven for mental well-being, exclusively tailored for the world of business. In the fast-paced corporate landscape, where stress and anxiety often run rampant, Dr. Haseena offers a unique approach to finding peace amidst chaos....

Pregnancy Counselling with Dr Haseena’s Care: Embrace the Support You Deserve

Pregnancy, a remarkable journey filled with anticipation and joy, can sometimes bring unexpected emotions and challenges. At Dr Haseena’s Care, we understand that this trans-formative period can also trigger complex feelings that require compassionate support...


Read Our Blog & Articles

Explore our captivating blog and articles for insights, inspiration, and valuable information on a wide range of topics. From expert advice to intriguing stories, there’s something for everyone!
